Wilson PTA provides events and teacher appreciation throughout the school year thanks to fundraising support from our Wilson community!
Wilson Middle School PTA conducts fundraisers throughout the year to enrich our student's education by providing classroom materials, school-wide improvements, enrichment activities, teacher support, and other student needs.
How We Fundraise: We conduct two larger event/fundraisers in the Spring and Fall. Our "armchair fundraiser" raised over $8000 this past fall.
In addition, we hold smaller fundraisers throughout the year including our school store and spirit wear sales as well as community events such as Spirit Night. We also accept general donations and the option to buy a teacher lunch on our open forms page.
If you're a local business that would like to support Wilson PTA in our fundraising efforts, please contact Heather Farrar at communityoutreach@wilsonmiddleschoolpta.org.
If you have a recommendation for a Wilson PTA objective, please contact president@wilonmiddleschoolpta.org.
Additional Opportunities to Support WIlson PTA:
Tom Thumb will donate a percentage of your grocery purchases to Wilson Middle School PTA when you link your reward card to our organization code 13974. Fill out this form and drop it by your local Tom Thumb store next time you shop. A percentage of your grocery purchase will automatically benefit Wilson PTA each time you shop!
Bring your school list to your favorite Office Depot or OfficeMax store and give them our school’s ID number at checkout. When you do, our school will receive 5% of your total purchase! School Name: Wilson Middle School, School’s 5% ID Number: 70100172
World Wear Project – Drop off your kids and drop off your donations! For a list of accepted donations go here. We accept just about anything except furniture, knives, kitchen appliances, appliances with cords, or items made of glass. The goal of World Wear Project is to make gently worn clothing and shoes affordable and available to people domestically and internationally who might otherwise be unable to afford new clothing. Proceeds from the World Wear donations benefit Wilson PTA.
Upcoming Events
- Friday, March 14
- Monday, March 17
- Tuesday, March 18
- Wednesday, March 19
- Thursday, March 20
- Friday, March 21
- Monday, March 24
PISD Links
Wilson Middle School Website
Plano ISD
PISD Parent Portal
Volunteer Application
PISD Calendar
PISD Family Education
PISD Council of PTAs