
7/19/2023 1:45 pm

Back To School! At a glance…

  • Open House and General PTA Meeting, 9/18 @5:30 pm: Come early and meet this year's PTA Board at our first general meeting of the year. Other items on our agenda include an amendment to our standing rules regarding our e-commerce policy. View our updated e-commerce policy here.

  • Join Wilson PTAAs you know, Wilson PTA provides school events and teacher appreciation throughout the year, but we do so much more! Take a look at our Year At A Glance to see all the things Wilson PTA does to support our school community! This work requires ongoing support from our Wilson families: please consider becoming a member.

  • Volunteer With PTA: Would you like to get involved? We’d love to have you! We'll announce several volunteer opportunities throughout the year so stay tuned! Get a head start: fill out your volunteer form on Voly (required of all volunteers) and check out our volunteer page for more info.

  • Looking for the School Store volunteer sign-up? Click here!

  • First Spirt Night of the year: Chic-fil-A, Wednesday 9/25. Bring home the dinner everybody loves AND support Wilson PTA!

  • Mark your calendar! This year's General PTA meetings are as follows (all Wilson community members welcome!):
    • September 18th General @ 5:30 (before Open House)
    • January 14th Board/General @ 12pm
    • April 8th Board/General @ 6pm
    • May 6th Board/General @ 12pm
  • Teacher Favorites!  Each year our PTA compiles a Wilson teacher's favorite things list to help you find the perfect gift! We'll update our list with new faculty and staff soon. In the meantime Click here to view last year's list.


Reminder to parents and caregivers:

Watch for our monthly PTA newsletter. We'll send them out monthly throughout the school year to keep you updated on all our events and activities.



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Join PTA

Wilson PTA membership has its privileges... you, your child, and your community! 

Upcoming Events

